Turkey Breakfast Tostada

Turkey Breakfast Tostada

1 Tostada

Serving Size

School Food Rocks

This recipe was developed and approved by Joe Urban

Add vibrant color to your menu with this flavor-packed breakfast tostada. Layer a crunchy tostada shell with guacamole, scrambled eggs and turkey medallions. Top with crispy turkey bacon, cheddar and fresh cilantro for a protein-packed start to the day.

Ingredients Show More


50 Portions

100 Portions

Tostada Shell, 5.5", Whole Grain, 200/0.6 oz, 7.5#, Mexican Original, 10231940621

50 Portions 50 Tostada

100 Portions

Precooked Scrambled Eggs Diced, 1/20 lb., Frozen, Bulk

50 Portions 1 lbs., 9 oz.

100 Portions

Cheese, Cheddar, Yellow, Shredded, 6/5#, USDA, 100003

50 Portions 1 lbs., 9 oz.

100 Portions

Guacamole, Extreme Supreme, 12/1#, Simplot Harvest, 10071179932666

50 Portions 1 pt., 1 c., 2 tbsp.

100 Portions

Coriander (cilantro) leaves, raw

50 Portions 1 c., 2 tsp.

100 Portions

Directions Show More

  1. Heat Turkey medallions in steamer for 10-12 minutes. Product must reach an internal temperature of 165 degrees for 15 seconds. Place in hot holding cabinet until time to assemble.
  2. Place unopened bags of scrambled eggs in perforated pan. Cook eggs in steamer for 12-15 minutes. Product must reach an internal temperature of 145 degrees for 15 seconds.
  3. Place turkey bacon on sheet pan with parchment paper. Cook for 4-6 minutes or until desired crispiness. Product must reach an internal temperature of 160 degrees for 15 seconds.
  4. Warm tostadas in hot holding cabinet 15 minutes prior to assembly.
  5. Build tostadas in assembly line fashion.

  1. Place 1 tbsp of guacamole on each tostada, spread evenly.
  2. Top with 1 slice of turkey bacon (halved), ½ oz. of scrambled eggs, ½ oz. of turkey medallions, ½ oz. of shredded cheddar cheese. Garnish with cilantro.
  3. Transfer to sheet pans and hold I hot holding cabinet until service.

CCP: Wash hands thoroughly before handling food, after handling contaminated food or objects, and before switching to another step where there is an opportunity for contamination. This applies as well to before and after glove use. Use clean pair of gloves when handling product. Replace gloves after handling any other object.
Record time and internal temperature of product when received on daily log.
CORRECTIVE ACTION HOT FOOD All cooked food items being held for service that drop below 140 degrees must be removed from service until such time as they are reheated to 165 degrees. Any food not eaten after reheating must be discarded.


Food prep areas, equipment, and utensils, to be used in recipe will be washed and sanitized prior to beginning the preparation and cooking.
Assemble all ingredients, utensils, etc. to be used in recipe within easy reach of prep area so that food safety can be managed more effectively as well as better control of contamination and cross contamination.

Nutrients per Serving Show More

Calories 244.036

Saturated Fat 5.617 gm

Trans Fat 0.000* gm

Total Fat 14.454* gm

Cholesterol 90.004 mg

Calcium 21.870* mg

Total Dietary Fiber 2.510 gm

Iron 0. 753* mg

Sodium 297.613 mg

Potassium 168.536* mg

Sugars 0.286 gm

Carbohydrate 12.971 gm

Vitamin A 24.983* iu

Vitamin C 0.090* mg

Protein 11.397 gm

Vitamin D 0.283* mcg

* Indicates missing Nutrient Information.


Meat/Meat Alt 2 oz

Grain 1 oz

Vegetable 0.25 cups

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