Mobile Marketing Means Business

Despite diners’ desire to have a mobile connection with their favorite eateries, only 10% of restaurants have a mobile presence. If your operation isn’t taking advantage of mobile technology, the easiest way to start is with an app for Apple and Android devices. It’s less expensive than other types of mass media, and it’s an easy, organized way to give your patrons the information they need. The basic app must-haves include:

    • Turn-by-turn directions to your operation. Three quarters of diners perform restaurant-related searching while they’re on the go, so including this information in your app is key. Nearly 70% of consumers say they would be likely to look up locations or directions using a smartphone or tablet. If your operation isn’t represented, you’re missing out.


    • Menu. Consumers are also searching for menus while on the go, especially if they’ve never visited your operation before.


    • Exclusive specials and coupons. Half of consumers say they would use rewards or special deals they can access with a tablet or smartphone. Mobile coupons eliminate printing costs and have redemption rates of up to 30%, compared to paper coupons at less than 1%.


    • Customer feedback options. Mobile marketing gives you the opportunity to open a conversation with your patrons. Include a section for comments and ratings so customers can share their opinions. A quick survey will also show your customers you care about their thoughts.


  • Fun extras like games, contests and social media integration. This will help encourage engagement and promote your app. You can create a points program or offer discounts to promote participation among your patrons.

By 2015, 70% of restaurants expect to have a mobile app. Build a following, drive business and stay ahead of the game by planning yours now. Use social media accounts to generate hype while your app is in the development phase.

Visit our Trends page for more on marketing and the latest foodservice news.


Restaurant Diners Want Mobile Technology, Only 1 in 10 Restaurants Are Using It, MorMedia Group.

2014 Restaurant Industry Forecast: Executive Summary, NRA.

Restaurant Mobile Marketing Stats, Restaurant SMS Marketing.

Making the Leap to Mobile Marketing, National Restaurant Association.

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