Winning Over the Generations: 4 Ways to Drive Gen X Traffic

Winning Over the Generations: 4 Ways to Drive Gen X Traffic

Consumers born between 1966 and 1976, known as Gen X, have a reputation for being independent, adaptable and informal. As diners, they tend to be social butterflies, visiting restaurants with bigger parties. Find out how you can appeal to their unique tastes and preferences so you can earn their business.

  1. Serve Flavor Contrasts. Top flavor preferences among Gen X diners include tangy and smoky, and savory and sweet. Highlight these flavor combos on your menu with items like Loaded Turkey Nachos with Tajin Crema, the perfect shareable appetizer with plenty of tangy, savory and smoky appeal.
  2. Emphasize Authenticity. This generation values a restaurant’s unique aspects, so be sure to spotlight what makes your business special, whether it’s particular recipes, cooking methods or a distinctive atmosphere.
  3. Keep Things Lively. According to Technomic, 7 in 10 Gen X consumers enjoy the social aspects of dining out, so make sure to have plenty of seating space and an upbeat ambiance. Doing so could mean parties are inspired to stay longer and order more.
  4. Optimize Homepage Ordering. Instead of, or in addition to allowing online ordering through third-party apps, make it easy for customers to place digital orders through your website, as three-quarters of Gen X diners place their orders directly through the restaurant.

Taking these pointers into account will help retain your existing Gen X customer base or attract their business. What kind of pivots or adjustments would you make your restaurant appealing to Gen X? Tell us on our Facebook or LinkedIn pages.



The Consumer Big Picture: Attitudes and Behaviors by Generation, Technomic (2024)

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