3 Tips for Recruiting and Retaining Employees

3 Tips for Recruiting and Retaining Employees

Restaurant and foodservice operators are no strangers to high turnover rates. Burnout remains common for front- and back-of-house workers because of the physical demands of their jobs. With a few smart tactics, you can attract reliable and skilled help while responding to employees’ needs before burnout strikes.


  1. Reward Referrals

Make it worth their while. Offer rewards to employees, such as a cash bonus or other perks, for referring qualified candidates. This program may even prompt a chain reaction and double as a retention and recruitment method.


  1. Invite Feedback

Survey your employees regularly to find out what is and isn’t working. This will help you identify any areas or practices that need restructuring while making your employees feel valued and heard. Try a suggestion box or anonymous form online, so they feel free to provide honest feedback directly, rather than in front of a group.


  1. Personalize Appreciation

As a leader, it’s essential to show consistent support and appreciation for your team. But rather than issuing general compliments at staff meetings, take the time to give individual kudos to employees. This will boost their confidence, encourage copycat behavior and foster loyalty. No matter which way you offer praise, be sure to do so often.


Adopting these programs and strategies will help you keep your best talent and grow your team with reliable workers. How do you retain and recruit staff at your operation? Let us know on our Facebook or LinkedIn pages, and visit our Resource Center for more tips and trends.




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